Unspoken Courage…the story.

Part Two:

Eddie was in the process of search and rescue at Ground Zero. Three days after the attack, bodies were still being recovered.  He was so touched by my phone call and told me it was like a breath of fresh air to him amidst the tragedy that surrounded him. My heart went out to him and to everybody effected by this horrible situation. I told him that I wanted to do something to help- that I wanted to create a painting to honor the firemen. He immediately wanted to help and welcomed the distraction. He had several firemen pose in their official uniforms and sent me the photos a few days later.

I started gathering photos taken at Ground Zero from magazines and the internet. The photos I worked from captured the emotion from the event, the paper on the ground, and all of it went into the painting.

One week later, I traveled to New York City to assist with the relief efforts. We were there for only 24 hours but we created a huge American flag mural in only six hours at a church a few blocks away from the World Trade Center. I painted this flag with other artists and it too became an inspiration for my painting. There were American flags everywhere in New York City. Everybody was wearing red, white and blue. And there was no honking at anybody.

To read the rest of the story, add your email to the subscription list on the right hand bar….



About pommfineart

Pomm was born in Los Angeles but was raised by her French mother and grandmother and had a truly bi-cultural upbringing. Her mother, who was born in Paris, read a novel by French authoress Colette in which one of the characters was a little girl named Pomme. She loved the name, which means “apple”, and took the “e” off to ensure correct pronunciation. While at college, Pomm moved to France and studied art in Aix-en-Provence. In Europe, Pomm fell in love with the Old World architecture, particularly in the southern regions of France where the sun and flowers inspired her to return again and again. When she returned to America, Pomm made a firm decision to be an artist and attended watercolor classes with Scott Moore in Laguna Beach. She found that she loved the medium. Pomm created and perfected a unique style using only translucent watercolors applied in many layers that allowed her to paint the strong colors, light, and shadows that create the feel of Europe in her paintings. Within each work is Pomm’s artist “hidden apple”, the artist’s signature of authenticity and assurance of her high standards and exceptional quality of art. In 2001, Pomm channeled her artistic talents towards honoring and helping others. After the Sept 11, 2001 tragedy, Pomm created “Unspoken Courage”, a painting which celebrates the unselfish heroism of all those who helped during the attacks. From late 2003 until now, Pomm has created a series of oils that explore the spirit and motion of other artists in the creation of their art. Her work depicts people creating art of all forms, ranging from traditional to informal. Recently, Pomm took the opportunity to travel the world with her husband, a pilot. She recalls that, “in each country we visited, I (experienced) as much of the native culture as I could. Seeking out the artists from these different cultures, it was wonderful to see how they expressed their lives through art.” Throughout all of this, Pomm has remained an active member of Artists for Human Rights International. This is a group formed with the higher purpose of bringing artists together under the common goal of a raised awareness of every human’s basic rights. As the Director of Visual Artists, Pomm has helped to organize three exhibits in New York and Los Angeles while building membership and support for the group.
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